Friday, April 10, 2009

Taste and See

So, this is literally how I spent the last few months...on the couch, with a couple of cute little girls tucked in around me and too many views of The Sound of Music or Kit Kittredge (Not to mention a few trips to the toilet with my youngest outside the door announcing to the world, "Mommy's throwing up!") I really feel like I've been in hibernation, and now that it's Spring I'm finally coming out, step by step.

Through all of it, some things I'm thankful for are my dear husband, affectionately known as "Mr. Mom," who completely ran things around here, from dinner to grocery shopping to mopping to child care; my sweet mother in law for lots of babysitting; my sweet mother for homemade meals and encouragement; and good friends who have remained patient with me even when I couldn't fulfill some of my responsibilities.

Most of all, as I was wishing the other day that just one item of food sounded good to me, the Lord reminded me of this verse: "O taste and see that the Lord is good." What a huge encouragement to someone who finds tons of satisfaction in yummy food. Really, the Lord completely meets that need for yummy taste, and it lasts forever! The Lord is good, and I'm desiring to hunger and thirst after Him.


darcie said...

this is a thoughtful post, Gabrielle; thanks for the encouragement-and I always love keeping the girls, you know. . .

Julie said...

I'm so very glad you are feeling a bit better! I, too, enjoy food very much, as you probably remember. It's a comforting thought: "Taste and see..." Thanks, friend!

Kara Clayton said...

Food is one of the best things here on earth isn't it? :-) I loved reading your new posts. Praying you feel much better soon. I can honestly say I understand how you feel because with all 4 of my pregnancies I was VERY sick! It's always worth it in the end though...our little one is one on May 2, I can't believe it! Miss you.