Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blueberry Bonanza

So, I have a deep and probing question for all you grocery shoppers out there: Who in the world designed the tiny, flimsy little blueberry containers you buy, that hardly stay closed and slip ever so easily out of one's hands? I'd like to know.

I found myself at the grocery store by myself the other day, which is a rare and prized occurrence. And as I innocently shopped for my items, I carefully picked out my two little pints of blueberries for Luke's birthday dessert. And then I promptly dropped one on the floor, and of course it spilled out everywhere. Immediately, the cute little man with the broom and dumpster scurried behind me, kindly swept up the mess (before I stepped and smushed them all to pieces); thanks little man.

Ah, you'd think I'd be done with messes after that. But no, as I helped bag my own groceries (since they were short on help), that other little carton of blueberries slipped out of the bag and, yet again, spilled all over the floor. This was in the same shopping trip, people, and my kids weren't even with me! And who came over to clean them up and go retrieve me another container? Yep, that same little man...and I tried desperately to hide my face and not make eye contact, hoping that he didn't put two and two together and wonder what in the world was wrong with this lady! (yeh right, I'm sure he knew it was me).

And if you think this is a very random post to add after so many months away from blogging, let it just be a glimpse into my life right now...


Mercy Newton said...

i love that old man!!!! i can totally picture him and it's hilarious. great story! wish i had been with you when it happened. i can see us laughing about it all the way home. i'n laughing about it now.

darcie said...

well, this morning I prayed for you, that your day would be refreshing and productive; I don't think the blueberry event happened today, but I'm happy to see a new post from your house (was it quiet at your place today?)

Denise said...

A great story indeed!!! And I am laughing because I totally took out a stack of zucchini last week (also shopping alone) and Orlando (the produce man at Sprouts) said to me, "Mrs. Franklin, take it easy on the squash!" (Thankfully said with a chuckle while I sheepishly apologized!)

Glad to see you back in blogville, I have missed you!!!

naomi said...

I totally blame the blueberry box designer. what was he THINKING?
I wonder what the little man blogged about yesterday . . .