Sunday, November 23, 2008

He Deals Bountifully

November and December have always been my favorite time of year. I love the cool weather, dark nights, hot teas, quick breads, falling leaves, pumpkins (you already knew that), and time with family. Of course, as we grow up, the surreal feeling that comes along with this time of year is often tarnished with all the business and hubbub of this material world. I've been victim to it this year, I must admit, and have been feeling quite overwhelmed and overloaded with life's general tedious tasks, and the extras that come with the season.

The Lord graciously reminded me in church today of what my soul is to do today, and every day, and it is found in verse 7 of Psalm 116,

"Return to your rest, O my soul, for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you."

Doesn't that verse just resonate peace and calm? It is settling for a soul that often feels like it is in turmoil, caught up in the affairs of this world. Remember the bounty, the goodness of Him who made me, who sustains me. Remember his dealings with me, His overflowing grace and mercy. His amazing earthly provision for me that goes so far beyond what I need. It's so simple, and yet I find myself complicating things all too often. So my goal for this week is to tell my soul "return to your rest, the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."
A glimpse into my bounty....


Unknown said...

Wow! You are right. I hope that this season will be filled with some much needed rest as you enjoy His bounty!

Abigail said...

indeed He does - just the reminder I needed today, thanks for the post

Naomi Smith said...

I love this post, Gab. I love, love, love it. I feel absolutely challenged and encouraged by it. thanks for sharing.