Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 P's of Hospitality

Hospitality for me is not just an occasional dinner guest. In fact, that is more rare for us. It usually consists of out of town guests, whether they be friends or family. Either way, they both require some thought. So here's a shortened list of tips I've gathered along the way....

from no expert, just some good experiences....

1) Plan, Plan, Plan
~ Make a little chart for the days your guests will be there, divided into meal and snack times (including whether you'll be home or out), and fill in the blanks...
2) Purchase, Purchase, Purchase
~ Try to purchase all your grocery needs ahead of time so no last minute runs to the store have to interrupt good visiting time (although a little run to the store with your friend, along with a "quick" coffee, while the daddies watch the kids is pretty fun!)
3) Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
~I've learned through trial and error that making the meals, or portions of the meals, ahead of time and freezing them makes life so much easier! For example, if you're planning to make chicken enchiladas, make the filling ahead of time, and the rice, and freeze, and then all you have to do is assemble; or for breakfast make muffins and freeze, and have hard boiled eggs in the frig.
~Learn a good easy pizza or foccacia dough recipe, and have fun toppings on hand (recipe to follow)
~Something else to think about is whether the meals you're planning are the right ones for that time. For instance, you might know that you make a mighty awesome French souffle', accompanied by lightly grilled asparagus with individual tartlets for dessert...but who are you trying to impress? Make a good, satisfying, simple meal and all will be pleased. Save the fanciness for a late night date with hubby!

and last, but certainly not least (and to complete my P's of hospitality),
4) Pray, Pray, Pray
~ I always have to remember to pray both for the time we will have, that it will be encouraging and relaxing for my guests, and also that my attitude would be gracious and that my heart would not be full of complaining (i.e. "there stuff is everywhere!", or "how much does this family eat?"...)

And remember, "Be hospitable to one another without grumbling,"
1 Peter 4:9
my cute little niece and my kiddos, for your enjoyment!

Naomi's Foccacia Bread
2 c. warm water
2 c. flour
2 tsp. dry yeast

Mix into a slightly lumpy batter.
Add: 2 tsp. salt, 2 c. flour. Mix. Batter should be moist and still slightly lumpy.

Do not knead. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place 1-2 hours. When doubled, transfer to a slightly oiled sheet with fingers dipped in olive oil. Spread on cookie sheet to about 1/2 in. thickness. Prick with a fork. Top with anything (coarse salt, pepper, garlic, fresh rosemary, olives, tomatoes.) Bake at about 375 for 10-15 minutes. (if using as a pizza crust, bake for 8-10 minutes, just until a bit firm, then top with toppings, then bake again.)


darcie said...

as I'm increasingly aware that we will have guests spilling over this summer-there will be wonderful hospitality opportunities, I really like your "P's"-I need to work on #3 (it's still hard for me to freeze rice!) and of course #4
And I'm very thankful that you will be sharing family hospitality opportunities with me this summer!

Naomi Smith said...

YES! I love, love love your post; very good, my sweet encouraging friend! something Joshua and I remind ourselves often is that hospitality is not a GIFT - - it's a command.
I thought of another "P"
Practice, Practice, Practice!

Rachel said...

so simple and practical -- which is always helpful when it comes to (as Naomi reminds us) commands!

p.s. you and Mom need to start brainstorming about how we-the-family-guests can help this summer...

Miranda said...

So helpful - keep things like this coming :) Thanks friend.

Julie said...

This is such a great post! The Lord has given you such a beautiful ability to make guests feel warm and welcomed in your home! THANKS AGAIN for such a wonderful visit a few weeks ago!!

Anonymous said...

Great post! SO much wisdom. Thanks, Gabby. By the way, I would love to catch-up soon! Miss you.