Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gospel Moments

Lately, I've been mulling over a question that keeps resonating in my heart,
"How is the Gospel impacting my parenting, day to day?" 
and even, 
"How is the Gospel impacting me as a parent, day to day?"

I want to have this conversation with other mommies who are living in the moment too, dealing with snotty noses and overflowing toilets, to bad attitudes and "misbehaving" children, to sweet birthday parties and date nights. How is the Gospel ministering to me in every day life, and how am I in turn ministering the Gospel to my family?

Yesterday, as I was yet again faced with a toddler who is trying to leave his stamp on this world, and on our household, and who would rather not be bothered with rules and regulations...(i.e., a toddler tantrum), the Lord gently reminded me that this, what was right in front of me, this sin, is exactly why we need Jesus. It was like a little breath of fresh air for my soul, as I humbly try to grapple with my daily duties as a mother...a sweet reminder that when I am faced with the striking, yucky, disgusting results of sin, God can use that to show me our need for Jesus. 

Because really, if my toddler went through his days as a perfect little angel, or if I, for that matter, went through my days as a perfect little angel, how would I know that I need a Saviour, a Mighty Saviour? I would honestly have no reason to need help, to see our desperate need for a loving Saviour who reached down and rescued us from our horrid, sinful self! 

So for me, this week, when my job as a mom, a trainer of little ones, feels hopeless or result-less, I'm reminded and comforted by the Gospel, that this, even this, is the exact reason we, both me and my child, need a Saviour. 


Denise said...

Thanks, Gab. I am looking forward to conversations like these over coffee...

darcie said...

this is a thoughtful post, Gab, I love the way you bring the gospel lessons right back to yourself. I need to do the same in all arenas of my life. praying for you