Julia turned 4 just a couple of weeks ago, and by the time the week was over I was (sad to say) glad, because I think all the attention was going to the poor little dear's head! But to finish off the week, the Lord planned a very special little happening in our house...a sweet answer to prayer.
Upon turning 4, Julia (with much eager anticipation) got to rifle through the Birthday treasure chest at church, and came home with the much longed after pink flashlight. Oh the joy! Oh the delight! Oh the light in the dark! She even wanted to sleep with it (and you mommies out there know where that would lead..."I see you Amaleah, can you see me?")
But as all good things sometimes come to an end, the little flashlight was "lost" the very next day, and broke that same little dear's heart. A mommy can take this as an opportunity for lots of little lessons: 1) that's why we need to remember "everything in its place"; 2) all of our material things will pass away and rot, but God's Word lasts forever; or 3) God knows where everything is, so it's not lost to Him, and He cares about even the little things in your life.
Option 3 is the one I chose and here is how the story unfolds...
All through the day Julia wanted to find it, and I kept reminding her to pray about it, and she would not. And all through the day I seriously felt God impressing on me that she would not find it until she prayed for it, and that I needed to encourage her to do this. Near the end of the day, we looked in the van, and I once again asked Julia if she had prayed, because God knows where everything is. "No, but I will now Mommy. Dear Lord, please help me to find my flashlight. In Jesus Name, Amen."
What happened next was about 10 seconds later, I kid you not. We walked inside, I asked her if she had tucked it into any pocket, the "light bulb" went on and she (and all of us girls) ran excitedly to the closet where she pulled out the coat and dug around in the pocket, and pulled out the beloved flash light.
"Julia! God answers prayers! He knew where it was! Thank Him! Thank Him!"
And so we did. I'm not sure who's heart was more encouraged, her's or mine. But no matter. God got the glory! He cares about the details of life, no matter how seemingly insignificant they are, in order that we might see Him and His faithfulness and His control over all things.

Julia and Daddy having a little fun with our iphoto booth!
P.S. The little flashlight is once again "lost."
Can she be four already?!? Remembering a little more than four years ago...missing y'all.
(Oh, and how I love that the flashlight is lost again! You can't make that stuff up.)
I think I'll find a time to snuggle with Josu and tell him this story . . . God is good
Thanks for sharing that story, Gab. I need to be more diligent in encouraging my children (and myself) in prayer, in big and small things!
What a great story! Thanks for taking the time to share it!!
When I walked into the LIGHTS classroom last Sunday and saw Julia playing patty-cake with Sam Wallace and then later walked in there and saw her talking up a storm with her new friends, I simply smiled at how she has grown up! And I love hearing how you took the opportunity to teach her about God's character!! He IS so good! (And if it should so happen that God wants to answer her prayers in another way with another lesson --- I'd be glad to supply another one, if necessary!)
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